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Analysis Application of Distance Learning as a Learning Solution From Home


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  • Dedi Riyan Rizaldi University of Mataram, Natural Sciences Education Study Program, Indonesian


Distance Learning, Learning from Home, COVID-19 Pandemic


Learning from home is one of the policy slogans suggested by the Indonesian government during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning from home can be implemented using a Distance Learning system. The implementation of learning from home is facilitated by various platforms. The use of various platforms currently available is adjusted to the needs of the learning process to be carried out. The goal is to provide a solution to break the chain of spreading COVID-19 in Indonesia. The method used in writing this article is a literature review which consists of four stages, namely (1) Identification of research topic keywords; (2) identification of abstracts from various literature sources; (3) making notes of identification results; and (4) link notes periodically. The results obtained, namely, distance learning allows students to carry out learning anytime and anywhere systematically according to independent learning instructor instructions which have characteristics, namely (1) Separation between teacher and learner; (2) the influence of educational institutions/organizations; (3) the use of media that connects educators and learners; (4) two-way communication takes place; (5) pay attention to learners as individuals who learn; and (6) education as an industry. In its implementation, there are six syntaxes or steps in the distance learning system, namely (1) Orientation stage; (2) interpretation stage; (3) planning stage; (4) exploration stage; (5) explanation stage; and (6) reflection stage.


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